Main Features

Begin with the small
Vandana Shiva, environmental activist and author, talks with Wallace Heim about biological and cultural diversity. more »

Puppet Wranglers
Animals are let loose on the stage. Eleanor Margolies reports on how puppets enact our relations with animals. more »

Play Journal
Samantha Ellis keeps an exclusive diary about researching The Last Wolf in Scotland, her new play about reintroducing wolves in the Highlands.
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Other lives brought home
Playwright Satinder Chohan journeys to the Punjab to research Zameen, her play about land and families caught in the global economies of cotton, seeds and debt. more »

While we focus on performance, we do list major European exhibitions. Here is a selection from our news pages from 2008 - 2013. more »

Tasting the unfamiliar
'Feast' brought together artists, food, allotments and school children for a year. Eleanor Margolies went to visit. more »

Why birds sing
Jazz composer David Rothenberg hears music in the natural world and jams with a White Crested Laughing Thrush. more »
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