The Emergence Summit, organised by Volcano Theatre and the Centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth, explored sustainability and the arts, and was held in the Wales Institute for Sustainable Education.
Fox and Gill were asked to devise and present the Opening Ceremony. Its title was 'Making the Bread Called Tomorrow'. Working with this metaphor they considered what ingredients - practical and metaphorical - should go into this bread. In the hours before the summit began, they ran 2 simultaneous workshops with 40 Land Journeyers who had made their way on foot over 5 days to arrive at the site, on routes curated by Simon Whitehead. They created gifts to be given to the other delegates on arrival: handmade bread was baked and aprons were printed for a celebratory processional entry. This followed the welcome, the exchange of shoes and a huge spiral dance outside which Sue led, with interweaving arches, to the tune of Speed the Plough with John on melodeon, Paul Allen and Ansuman Biswas on percussion.
The Closing Ceremony, again created by Fox and Gill, covered the spectrum
from delicate poetry of Rebecca Elson to anarchic interruptions from a junk band to massed harmony singing taught by Ben Macfadyan, and finishing with the transformation of the immaculately raked sand garden by Jony Easterby to an tumultuous finale.