AMAZING MYTHS, 2003 A collaboration with Coventry’s Belgrade Theatre on a carnival project in which the city centre was transformed as gigantic costumed figures from creation myths processed through the streets.
OUR LOCAL CANAL, 2003 A collaboration with ‘artzero children’s art’ and Lea Rivers Trust and two East London primary schools in an exploration of the flora and fauna of an urban canal environment.
COMMUNITY GARDEN, 2002 Storytelling trails around Roots and Shoots, a community garden in South London.
LANDSCAPE GARDENS , 2001 - 2003 Tours of and performances in National Trust properties at Claremont Gardens and Pollesden Lacy in Surrey.
WOODLAND WALKS, 2001 Site-specific performances and workshops at Box Hill, a National Trust woodland site in Surrey. [1997 - 2001]
CITY FARM, 2001 Residency at Surrey Docks City Farm in South London combining tours of the farm with school-based outreach work.
NATIONAL TRUST / LONDON LINKS, 2001 Storytelling residency at Morden Hall Park - a National Trust countryside site - exploring a range of natural habitats with a visual artist and pre-school children and their carers.