The story, told by puppets and actors, delves into history and mythology and carries the audience on the back of the wind through to the giant turbines of the 21st century. For 5 – 11yr olds, or a family audience. Nan sings as she hangs out the washing to dry on the windy bank of the river Yare, but her grandson Michael would rather spend his summer holiday playing Tornado Raiders on his computer than listen to her endless tales of ancient smuggling adventures. As he waits for his new wind-turbine kit to arrive, Zephyr picks him up and carries him off into the past and the future, where the mighty force of the wind fills sails, turns mills, spins turbines, wrecks ships, and carries birds, seeds, and insects thousands of miles across the oceans. Michael is dropped into Jenny's world of wherries, giants, witches and smugglers, where a good wind takes you where you want to go, but an ill wind quickly sends everything spinning out of control. Written by Meg Amsden, Nick Murray Brown, and Joy Haynes
Research and teaching materials: Nicky Rowbottom
Director: Joy Haynes Design: Meg Amsden and Jayne Ivimey Made by: Meg Amsden, Jules Carpenter, Tim Hunkin, Matt Reeve, and Holly Scholfield
Windy Old Weather was commissioned by the Broads Authority. Windy Old Weather was performed at the Latitude Festival in 2013.