Throughout the summer of 1999, Kneehigh embarked on a series of arts adventures across Cornwall to create spectacular outdoor events in the stunning Cornish landscape. HEVVA! loosely translates as "The pilchards are back!" shouted by the huer, whose cry brings the whole town to life.
> ARK - Midsummer Bonfire, Carn Marth Quarry, Lanner Volunteers and locals worked with Kneehigh to celebrate Midsummer solstice with a fire and water spectacular event with a theme of regeneration. The Ark, washed into the next Millennium with a menagerie of creatures aboard, beached in a quarry and ended its journey in a fiery inferno. Animated by Los Trios Ritmos, Bagattack and a startling community choir. > Mevagissey Feast Raft Race - Mevagissey Quay Kneehigh resurrected a local community event. A watery challenge where the stakes are high and competition fierce, where Mad Max meets Waterworld in Mevagissey Harbour. > Mannel's Mango - Hendra Pit, Nanpean A theatre spectacle in the extraordinary China Clay Landscape with volunteers and young people from the surrounding area, celebrating Cornwall's global connections and her resourceful people. Mannel returns from across the sea to find his village is dying, its Carnival Queen faded and starving. With a kiss, all that is wrong is right, the Queen walks on water back from the other side, and it is carnival time!