Editors' note: The Pantry Shelf, by Team M & M, won the first Fringe Award for Sustainable Production, awarded by The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts (CSPA).
Here are the shows and events that we can see from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe programme that might have an ecological theme, or be about food, gardens, farming or science.
theatre | dance | comedy | children's shows | exhibitions | events | musicals

2020 Vision
2020 Vision genre: comedy, drama group: Paper Zoo Theatre Company venue: Augustine's
The lives of call centre workers changes dramatically when a natural disaster means the centre needs to revert to a charity donations centre.
Allegations drama, political Beyond Borders Productions The Zoo A black peasant farmer in Zimbabwe has his home burnt down during a politically motivated attack; a white commercial farmer suffers a farm invasion of his own. The two meet and realise that they have more in common than previously imagined.

The Ark comedy, physical theatre Act One theSpace @ venue45 The bittersweet story of a motley crew of animals who, finding they've been left behind, are forced to face the great flood without a boat.
Attempts devised, physical theatre CastOff Company The Vault
Swamped by modern consumerism, global capitalism, do you even know who you are? Indeed, what you are? CastOff is a new company emerging from Warwick University.
Bound physical theatre, storytelling Bear Trap Theatre Company Zoo Southside
Bound is set in the south Devon fishing port of Brixham. Compelled by the threat of bankruptcy, a fishing trawler and its mismatched crew are forced out into treacherous weather.

The Cardboard Metropolis
Bowels comedy Big Village Theatre Company Augustine's Enter an undiscovered world of adventure where sensible people fear to tread and dinosaurs make a nuisance of themselves. Experience the first epic journey to the very bowels of the Earth.
The Cardboard Metropolis comedy, political Freshblood Theatre C aquila On the streets of a drought-ridden city, a man exists on a promise of a better life. Global conglomerate, 'Corporation Incorporated', know that in times of crisis, no one can avoid consumption. A black comedy set in a warped dystopian future.

Cirque de Legume comedy Aurora Nova Productions Gilden Balloon Teviot The greatest vegetable circus on Earth. Marvel at the Veget-animal and the Onion Striptease.
Copenhagen classical, drama Group Incrementum Theatre Group The Vault Heisenberg and Bohr, two Nobel Prize winners who shaped the face of history. Two countries at war, a race to produce the atomic bomb and a challenge to understand nuclear politics and the morality of science.

The Day the Sky Turned Black
The Day the Sky Turned Black drama, verbatim
Kennedy-Scott C soco February 2009. Black Saturday. Australia is ravaged by firestorms equalling 1,500 atomic bombs. New play weaving together stories of survival.
Dr Faustus circus, physical theatre Offshoots (in association with Lancaster University Theatre Group) Underbelly, Cowgate Step inside our Hall of Mirrors, have a toffee apple with Gluttony but beware the temptation of Lust. A contemporary take on the classic play incorporating a mash-up of a number of performance styles including burlesque dance, circus skills and physical theatre.

Dr Faustus (Cambridge Univ. ADC)
Dr Faustus drama, physical theatre Cambridge University ADC C Chambers Street
In a grimy Whitechapel garret at the end of the 19th century, John Faustus - scholar, anatomist, lunatic - signs away his soul. A nauseously comic, visually stunning production of Kit Marlowe's most famous play.
Equus adaptation, physical theatre Group Theatre Oikos Zoo Roxy
An adaptation of Equus for the 21st century.
Faustus adaptation, drama Saltmine Theatre Company Palmerston Place Church John Faustus has made a deal. Whatever he desires, anything can be his. All he has to give in exchange is his soul.

Fen a cappella, drama Exposure Theatre Company Diverse Attractions
An episodic tale with folk songs. Val loves Frank and leaves her family for him. Countering her mother's disapproval, friends' advice, gossip in the Norfolk farming community and the reproach of her children, Val is caught in a dilemma.
Flesh and Blood and Fish and Fowl comedy, physical theatre
Barrow Street Theatre The Traverse @ St Stephen's Barricaded behind the doors of civilization's last office, co-workers rearrange the food chain in a feral mix of theatre, art and taxidermy.

Four Women of the Apocalypse
The Four Women of the Apocalypse comedy, drama Roisin Rae/PBH's Free Fringe Kiwi Bar @ Walkabout When the rest of civilisation is wiped out, four women find themselves free to do as they please, but something's moving in the ruins of the abandoned shopping centre, and it's not just Vanessa foraging for Cath Kidston bags. A new comedy about survival, hair straighteners, and inheriting the earth.
Hard Rain: Our Headlong Collision with Nature photography, talk Mark Edwards Hugh Robson Building, University of Edinburgh Hosted by Transition Edinburgh University, this exhibition from 22 August - 4 September links images of climate change to Bob Dylan's words. On 25 August, Mark Edwards gives his presentation / performance, an account of his personal and environmental journey beginning in 1969 that led to this exhibition.

Howling drama, storytelling Freshblood The Vault
Follows the story of three hunters and a family of wolves stranded in the forest during winter and competing for survival. 'Howling' draws loosely upon Native American mythology to explore the conflicting laws of the domestic and the wild, the relationship between the spiritual and the tangible and the strained coalescence between man and nature.
The Katrina Project: Hell and High Water devised, verbatim American High School Theatre Festival Church Hill Theatre An emotional multimedia journey into the hearts and souls of Hurricane Katrina survivors based on actual interviews, collected stories and found texts. The play follows a diverse group of characters as they reflect on and experience the devastation, heartbreak, anger, and ultimately, the hope of thousands affected by this Category 5 storm that struck the US in 2004.

Photo 51
Photo 51 devised, science Theatre With Teeth Delve into a wonderland where lab coats intertwine and cells burst with light and discover the story of the forgotten genius Rosalind Franklin. Compelling original music and a talented ensemble unravel the mysterious beauty of the double helix.
The Rope in Your Hands
drama, political, verbatim New Salisbury Players Quaker Meeting House Actress/playwright Siobhan O'Loughlin portrays the people she interviewed in the aftermath of Katrina and performs their stories in their own words.
Song of Extinction drama, political Rio Hondo College Venue 13 E.M. Lewis' play follows Phan, a Cambodian refugee turned science teacher. He is forced to use his knowledge of extinction and survival to save a student and help the boy's dying mother. The boy's father, a scientist, desperately trying to save a species of beetle in South America from extinction, has neglected his son and wife in his obsession. It is Phan's intimate knowledge of genocide and grief that illuminates the relationships of the American family and ties together the forces of life from three different parts of the world.
Wolf interactive, physical theatre Authentic Artist Collective/Kath Burlinson/Escalator East to Edinburgh Just The Tonic at the Caves Theatre for the senses exploring ecology / psychology / mythology of wolf / human relationships. Sexy, unpredictable, magical journey in Edinburgh's atmospheric caves. It's about our ears, noses, and how we understand the pack, the loner and our place on the planet.

Pas Perdus
Forgery of the Pandemic genre: physical theatre group: A-D-1 ArtsOne Dance Company venue: Greenside The world coming to an end. Can the forgery of nations overcome the pandemic swarming through seas and land?
The Harbour devised, drama Limbik The Zoo In this retelling of a selkie myth, a fisherman's life is overturned when he brings a seal-woman home from the sea.
Pas Perdus circus Zoo Southside A circus show mixing theatre, tenderness and carpentry. The boxes remember the time when they were trees. Men remember they will end in a box. So they play, climbing trees, building and riding horses or sailing fragile boats.

The (Almost) Carbon Neutral Comedy
The (Almost) Carbon Neutral Comedy Club by Day genre: compilation, stand-up group: Rob Coleman/Laughing Horse Free Festival venue: Laughing Horse @ The Counting House A free afternoon show with minimal cost to the environment. Using no lights or microphones, the club brings you unplugged humour. Don’t worry, no one’s going to try and turn you into a tree hugger; it’s just people being funny whilst trying to remain environmentaly friendly.
The (Almost) Carbon Neutral Comedy Club by Night compilation, stand-up
Rob Coleman/Laughing Horse Free Festival Laughing Horse @ Meadow Bar As for the Day show, with Rob Coleman, Will Marsh and Tom Roche.
Jeremy Lion Goes Green comedy Phil McIntyre Entertainments by Arrangement With Cheryl Hayes Management Pleasance Dome
Children's entertainer Jeremy Lion attempts to save the world from ecological meltdown. Learn about global warming, recycling, polar bears and wine in this informative and entertaining show. Fun for all the family, although entirely unsuitable for children.

An Owl Called Steven
Laura Solon: An Owl Called Steven comedy Avalon Promotions Ltd
Venue Pleasance Courtyard The story of an owl and an island called Steven.
The Rap Guide to Evolution comedy, theatre Baba Brinkman Gilded Balloon Teviot See Baba Brinkman do for Darwin what he did for Chaucer. A Fringe First in 2009. Educational and entertaining.
children's shows
Bambi: A Life in the Woods genre: children's show group: American High School Theatre Festival venue: Pilrig Studio The fawn Bambi can only become heir to his father, the Great Prince, once he has encountered and mastered feelings of fear, loneliness, love, loss and independence. Bambi comes to understand that all of earth's creatures are guided by a force greater than themselves.

Buzzing! comedy, poetry Anneliese Emmans Dean With John Rayson
Venue Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh - John Hope Gateway Multimedia eco-show with projected wildlife images and poems celebrating the tiny world of garden minibeasts. Written and performed by poet and photographer Anneliese Emmans Dean, with live specially composed music from John Rayson. Edu-taining, revelatory and cool as caterpillars.
The Dandelion's Story physical theatre, theatre Modl Theatre (Korea) Venue C Based on a best-selling Korean fairytale, this re-take on the 'Ugly Duckling' story proves that nothing is useless. Borne on the spring wind and soaked by rain, a beautiful flower comes to life after an unexpected deposit - a doggie poo! Modl Theatre are one of the leading companies producing children’s theatre in Korea.
Dr. Bunhead is Volcano Head science Dr Bunhead C plaza
Scientist reveals nature's most spectacular science displays; volcanoes, tornadoes, thunder and lightning. Expect huge bangs, giant clouds, fire tornadoes, floods and more.
The Emperor's Quest musical, theatre Milk Teeth Productions C Chambers Street The Emperor needs to find a successor to his throne. He gives all the children in the Kingdom a seed to grow and tells them to bring him the results this time next year when he'll pick a winner. Ling loves gardening but even Ling can't work out the mystery of this particular flower... What can it be? International children's music theatre, based on a Chinese folktale.

Farm Boy
Farm Boy children's show New Perspectives and Scamp Theatre
Assembly @ George Street It sometimes felt as though time had stood still down on the farm - swallows nesting in the eaves, the old Fordson tractor quietly rusting in the barn, Grandpa tending his chickens - that is, until the summer his grandson finished school and came to stay and the old man started telling stories of what it had been like on the farm when he was a boy. Michael Morpurgo's compelling sequel to 'War Horse' is brought to life by New Perspectives Theatre Company in a family show combining drama, storytelling and original music.
The Hamwehads puppetry, storytelling Kat's Whiskers Laughing Horse @ The Three Sisters
With puppetry, music and mystery, The Kat's Whiskers will take you on a journey to a land where rabbits are chefs, mice generate electricity and Hamwehads rule.

Jungle Book
Jungle Book: The Next Chapter
musical Glenn Elston and the Australian Shakespeare Company Gilded Balloon Teviot
Baloo and Mowgli meet again several years after Mowgli left the jungle. Together, through original songs supported by multimedia, they bring to life Mowgli's exciting escapades growing up in the jungle with Bagheera, Kaa, Shere Kahn, the cheeky Monkeys and the Jackal.
The Little Baby Snoogle-Fleejer children's show
American High School Theatre Festival Church Hill Theatre
A tale from American President, Jimmy Carter, adapted for the stage. When others flee at the sight of a terrifying sea monster, Jeremy is surprised to discover a kindred spirit and learns some valuable lessons along the way.
Our Little Green Book of Children's Verse poetry Jenny Wilcock St Cuthbert's Parish Church Performance poet Jenny Wilcock travels through her garden and beyond.

Penguin children's show Long Nose Puppets Pleasance Courtyard
'Penguin' is adapted from the book by Polly Dunbar. Ben is delighted when he rips open his present and finds a penguin inside. 'Hello, Penguin!' says Ben. Penguin says nothing. What can Ben do to make Penguin speak?
Rabbits, Ladders and Stars in Jars
music, puppetry Waste of Paint Productions in Association With Mermaids
Zoo Roxy The cotton-wool tale of a young rabbit named Nelson. With the help of his best friend Cecilia, a wise old spider, he attempts to walk to the stars. But on the way he discovers something that he never thought he would find and suddenly the stars don't seem so far away. Told using puppetry and a live original score.

The Songbird
music, theatre Giant Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh - Fletcher Building
Innovative development in musical theatre. 'The Songbird' follows the tale of an extraordinary exotic bird that is captured in the tranquil solitude of the forest by a ruthless logger, captivated by her song. Using live music, a language of specially developed sound poetry and interactive sensory performance techniques, this is a subtle story with a powerful emotional punch.
Things That Go ... Bump, Rattle, Klunk, Cackle, Woo! comedy, interactive Luna Arts Theatre Company Greenside Interact with mad scientists, witches and werewolves as lessons begin in Nightmare School. Help save the pumpkins, cast spells, create experiments and stop the evil Fairy Godmother.
Whooooo's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? comedy, interactive
Act II Theatre Company theSpaces @ Surgeons Hall
An insight into the misunderstood life of the Big Bad Wolf who appears in many treasured fairy tales. Follow the Wolf as he tries in vain to help Trev, Nige and Jim Pig who are setting up house. Meet such characters as Flossie the singing sheep, Red and Goldie; two rather troublesome teenagers and Red's paintballing Nanny.
Emotions: Photography Exhibition of Wild Scotland
genre: event, photography group: Scottish Natural Heritage/Scottish Biodiversity Forum venue: Edinburgh Zoo
A 30-image exhibition featuring images of Scotland's wild places and animals, taken by Scotland's people, on the theme 'Emotions'. People are increasingly distant from experiencing nature as part of their everyday lives. What is this doing to people's awareness of nature and their desire to experience other living things and natural places? The images were submitted to a Nature Photography Competition, run as part of Scottish Biodiversity Week 2010 and co-ordinated by Scottish Natural Heritage.

Flow-Pattern photography John Reiach The Faculty of Advocates Semi-abstract colour and black and white images exploring water and its effects on the landscape over time, from fractions of a second to thousands of years, often revealing, through time-exposures of up to several minutes, patterns invisible to the naked eye. Also new work looking at the urban landscape.
From Another Kingdom: The Fascinating World of Fungi science Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh - John Hope Gateway Fungi can cure disease, provide gourmet meals and send us into an ecstatic trance. They are at the root of agriculture and forestry and save us from being swamped by our own waste. They outnumber plants six to one and are so ubiquitous they even thrive within the human gut. 'From Another Kingdom' is the first major exhibition to show the importance of fungi to people and to the planet.

Hard Rain
Hard Rain: Our Headlong Collision with Nature photography, talk Mark Edwards Hugh Robson Building, University of Edinburgh Hosted by Transition Edinburgh University, this exhibition from 22 August - 4 September links images of climate change to Bob Dylan's words. On 25 August, Mark Edwards gives his presentation, an account of his personal and environmental journey beginning in 1969 that led to this exhibition.
Impressionist Gardens painting, visual art National Galleries of Scotland National Gallery Complex A major international exhibition of around 90 works. The famous names of Impressionism will be represented, with fine examples by Monet, Renoir, Manet and Sisley. Later artists will also feature, including Cézanne, Bonnard, Van Gogh, Gauguin and Klimt.
Ulf Mark Pederson photography Ulf Mark Pederson Assembly @ George Street Ulf's practice draws much inspiration from the natural environment, using an old process called lenticular imaging to animate his photography.

By Leaves We Live
By Leaves We Live genre: walk group: Greenyonder Tours venue: Outside The Hub Follow in the footsteps of early Scottish environmentalist, Patrick Geddes - the first person to say 'Think global, act local' - and discover derelict sites he made into children's gardens. Discover hidden greenery on and off the tourist track, find out what today's residents think of their green space, explore a normally-locked urban wildlife garden.
Edinburgh Farmers Market tasting Essential Edinburgh
Edinburgh Farmers' Market Over 60 producers offering produce from across the country, the market is held every Saturday next to Castle Terrace car park between 9am and 2pm. Everything on sale is baked, brewed, smoked, raised or grown by the stallholders.

Hidden Gardens
Hidden Gardens of the Royal Mile walk Greenyonder Tours John Knox House Behind the historic buildings, explore the new community gardens, see modern and traditional design and a 17th-century Scots town garden.
Sustainability in Theatre talk Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts Fringe Central
The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, a Los Angeles-based non-profit arts infrastructure organisation, presents an overview of current trends and practices in sustainability for theatre from around the world. We will be looking at UK initiatives from Julie's Bicycle, the Arcola Theatre and White Light LTD, as well as those of the Broadway Green Alliance, York University in Toronto, Mo'olelo Performing Arts in San Diego and others. 16 August
The Treehouse Gallery, Edinburgh compilation, installation
Invisible Structures Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh - Off Inverleith House Lawn
Inside a mushroom-shaped aerial amphitheatre high in the crowns of two trees, explore nature and your imagination in this sanctuary in the sky. You are invited to our lofty arena to enjoy magical performances of light, music, theatre and suspended dance in the treetops by night, and to take part in adventurous daytime workshops exploring the creative imagination through making, storytelling, music and the secrets of nature.
The Ark genre: comedy group: Maeser Preparatory Academy Drama Team venue: Stage by Stage Edinburgh Academy
The theatre has been transformed into an ark. The show takes a contemporary look at the classic story of Noah by showing us the back story of his family. Living inside the Ark to escape a drowning world, we see that when facing the challenges of life, we're all in the same boat.

Hildegard of Bingen
Hildegard of Bingen and the Living Light cabaret, theatre
Linn Maxwell theSpaces @ Surgeons Hall Mezzo soprano Linn Maxwell embodies the extraordinary life of the 12th-century German Abbess, Hildegard of Bingen. Ahead of her time in a male-dominated world, Hildegard challenged established Church authority, philosophically and musically. Accompanying herself with authentic medieval instruments, Linn performs seven of Hildegard’s original songs and, through the mystic’s letters and writings, presents her message of holistic healing and caring for the earth.
The Secret Garden theatre Norfolk Youth Music Theatre Augustine's An orphaned young girl, Mary Lennox, discovers an overgrown secret garden at her gloomy uncle's house. Mary brings the garden back to life. Based on the novel by Hodgson Burnett.